Ada Q

Mdm Ada Q’s wish is to be called Jade. Since when she was a child during post revolution in Vietnam, she has been showered with precious gemstones by her grandma. With so many types of precious gemstones, her most favorite gemstone is Jadeite Jade of Myanmar.
Jade the most precious gem
Ralph Maston
Your inner beauty can outshine the sun
Your strength can mend a broken heart
Your warmth can warm the coldest place in the universe
Your love can stop wars
Your sweetness can sweeten the most bitter soul
Your pure soul can light the way on the darkest day
You are my precious Jade Stone to cherish forever and a day
In the last few years, she had the opportunity to step barefoot on the land of precious gemstones such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Africa as well as her motherland, Vietnam her birth home famously known for its gems.
Her passion and vision that everyone around the world should own a piece of the pride of Myanmar. They should be made affordable to everyone to be able to appreciate the beauty and benefits of Jadeite Jade of Myanmar.
Everyone Can Own One.
Jade has been cherished for thousands of years. It’s considered pure and enduring enough to inspire the wearer’s highest spiritual aspirations, yet sensuous and luxurious enough to satisfy down-to-earth cravings. Asian consumers have never lost their fascination for jade, and today, non-Asian buyers are drawn to jade as never before. All are attracted by its rich heritage as much as by its beauty, durability, and rarity.
Type A Jade from Burma
Few gems have the mystique of jade, a stone that has been revered in China for more than 4000 years. Jade is also one of the most misunderstood of gems — there is widespread confusion about the types of jade, about the most valuable colors, and the standards used to grade it.
The most common confusion is about the meaning of the term jade itself. There is, strictly speaking, no such thing as jade. Rather there are two different kinds of jade — jadeite and nephrite. They differ in chemical composition and crystal structure, as well as hardness. For more information on the differences, see our article on Jadeite and Nephrite.
All of the jade mined in China is nephrite. Indeed until about 300 years ago the vast majority of Chinese jade was nephrite. Jadeite is the rarer and more valuable variety, and the chief deposits are in Burma (Myanmar), not in China.
Nephrite occurs mainly in white and gray, with variants in dark green, reddish brown and black. The most common nephrite color is white. Jadeite occurs in a wider range of colors, including green, lavender, yellow, black and white. The most common color for jadeite is a pale green.