GemStones HuB @ Hải Phòng

Mdm Nguyễn Hong Nhung has a burning passion for mathematics and numbers as well as a strong bond and love for her family. In the land of beauty, flowers, and art, her love for such had spurred her to pursue precious gemstones which she hopes to share with all this special passion to add colors to our daily lives.

Hai Phong is named “The City of Phoenix Flower” ” or “The Harbor City”. Its name has been mentioned in countless poems and songs, portraying the livelihood of its harbors, and the shades of fiery red flamboyant trees – the symbol of its summer.

” You love, are a multifaceted gemstone.
If I gaze at one facet too long
I miss the shine of the whole.
But I can’t stop focusing on
The brilliant cut of your crown facet,
The glimmering sapphire stare,
And the smooth, slick shine
Of your pink opal lips.
You dazzle me in so many ways,
I am rich with love, when you are my treasure. “

My Treasure by Kasandra Curtis Oct 2012

Her gallery is located in Haiphong at Sốnhà 118, Ngõ 81 Nguyễn Trãi, Phường Máy Tơ, Quận Ngô Quyen, Hải Phòng, Vietnam. Mdm Nhung is contactable at +84 916036888